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Don’t forget the people closest to you

We meet many individuals as we go through this journey of life. Human beings are biologically social creatures and crave for company throughout our lives. At different stages of our lives we form different forms of relationships that shape our very essence. Initially a major portion of our interactions are centered around our parents and family. As we grow older and step outside into the world we form new relationships with the outside world. For the next phase of our lives we begin to interact with friends, teachers and people outside of our family. As we grow older we form romantic bonds with significant others. This is the cycle of our lives. Yet in this jungle of relationships we juggle, it’s quite easy to forget the ones truly closest to you. As we try to form new relationships with the new people that come into our lives we take for granted the bonds we already have, in an attempt to form new ones, and we don’t invest time on the people that really matter and sometimes it might be too late.

Taking relationships for granted

In a career driven society that is also enveloped in social media the concepts of maintaining good relationships has taken an entirely different perspective. It is truly a globalized world, and we can travel across the globe in a matter of days and reach someone half way across the world in a matter of seconds. With all of these technological enhancement we have the chance of meeting more and more people so much so that, no one can really tell all the names of the friends they have on their social media accounts. Are we closer to one another in such a time ? It actually seems that we are more distant to one another than we have ever been.

It’s in our human nature to seek approval or a certain form of validation from the people we interact with on a daily basis. Especially when we meet someone for the first time a person is on their best behavior on a subconscious level. We try so hard to impress our peers or our superiors for many reasons. At times to better our career prospective , while at times for approval and validation. It is human nature. By no means is such a behavior abnormal or incorrect, yet what happens in the process is that we forget the people that we already have in our lives. The individuals who already approve us and are there for us seem to fade away in our minds. We take for granted that those individuals will always be there in our lives and will support us with the same devotion as always. In a sense these people take a cameo role in your motion picture called life. Yet in our attempt to seek new bonds and friendships, as it is in our nature to do so we forget the people that truly genuinely care for us. It is similar to buying a new mobile phone. At the beginning you cherish it and it is important to you and you keep it safe. But as time goes by it doesn’t seem so valuable to you anymore. It is a part of your life, yet it doesn’t have the same place in your life as it once did.. In reality you can replace a mobile phone but you can never replace a bond.

It may be too Late

We live in such a fast paced world that it’s easy to lose track of time in our lives. In an attempt to climb the ladder of life, we lose track of the people that have been with us throughout our lives. We may ignore going home because of work or ignore a phone call or two because of how busy we are. Yet we live in a world which is so unpredictable that you may never know what tomorrow will bring. Sometimes that phone call you missed or the family gathering you avoided may be the last time you ever hear from a particular person. Everyone wants to feel appreciated at some point in their lives. If you forget the people who were there for you throughout your lives who dedicated their loyalty and time for you imagine the pain that would cause them, Put yourself in another persons shoes and try to imagine what you would feel if someone who you were there for doesn’t make an effort to show appreciation even in the slightest form. It would be painful. Remember people don’t exist forever. Tomorrow they might never walk this world again or be there in your life and you will live with the regret of not telling them how much you appreciated them. You may have all the success in the world but will that be enough to drown out the guilt. So always remember the people that were there for you and are still there for you before, you try to impress someone new in your life. Its okay to meet new people and form new bonds, it is actually important to do so. But not at the cost of the people who truly matter.

So get off your phone or laptop and remember the people that matter. It maybe your parents, grandparents, long term friends or a significant other who has been there throughout. Remember them, appreciate them and let them know how much you care for them. Because your never know it may be you last chance to do so.